  • Format:Online Self-Paced Video
  • Education Type:Pre-licensing Education
  • Line of Authority:N/A
  • Language:N/A
  • Credit Hours:4

Get up to speed on Nevada specific mortgage law! This 4 Hour Nevada SAFE PE Electives course is a pre-licensing mortgage education course that reviews key federal and Nevada state-specific laws. This Nevada state elective is NMLS-approved for four hours of state specific education required for mortgage professionals to attain a Nevada Mortgage license. NMLS Approval ID 17011

What You'll Learn

  • Regulatory authority for mortgage professionals in Nevada
  • Prohibited conduct and practices for mortgage licensees in Nevada
  • Disciplinary action that could be taken due to violations of Nevada mortgage law
  • Key developments in mortgage lending that have contributed to the industry's present condition
  • The purpose and process of loan securitization
  • Key players in the mortgage market and the steps in the origination process

What's Included

Approved course ID:17011