- Format:Online Instructor-Led
- Education Type:Study Tools and Reviews
- Line of Authority:Life and Health
- Language:Spanish
- Credit Hours:8
Livestream Exam Review is a 1-day highly focused, advanced review class to help students better understand challenging national topics before taking the Life, Accident & Health Insurance Licensing Exam. It is ideal for those who want a review before their exam or those having difficulty grasping critical topics in their self-studying.
What's Included
This Livestream Exam Review provides:
- A review of the most up-to-date and relevant insurance topics
- The Opportunity to engage and ask questions with experienced instructors
- Helpful tips for passing the exam
- Convenient classes available monthly
What to Expect
This Livestream Exam Review is available monthly with Life Insurance topics covered in the morning and Health Insurance topics covered in the afternoon. All you need is a device (computer, tablet or smartphone) with internet access.Regulatory Information
Livestream Exam Review is designed to supplement your training program and help you prepare to pass your state exam. This optional study tool is not approved to replace any required education. You will not receive a course completion certificate or education credit for completion. View your state's insurance licensing requirements