  • Format:Webinar
  • Education Type:Exam Prep
  • Line of Authority:N/A
  • Language:N/A
  • Credit Hours:N/A
PLM license test candidates will enjoy this comprehensive mortgage license review webinar, based specifically on the topics that will be found on the Utah Principal Lending Manager Exam. This exam prep webinar will help students prepare for the licensing exam with the help of a knowledgeable instructor. Students will benefit from the instructor's experience and guidance as they review topics relevant to the Utah Principal Lending Manager Exam, including areas that have proven most challenging for prior test-takers. IMPORTANT: This course is for NMLS license test preparation purposes only and is not for NMLS credit!

What You'll Learn

  • A review of all content that could be found on the Utah state exam, with a focus on the most difficult topics
  • Test taking tips and tricks to Utah State Exam

What's Included